Nickolas Urpí Nickolas Urpí

Caregiving Costs: What does it mean to care for a loved one?

We always advise clients that the financial plans we sit down and create with them are documents that guide and help us understand the strengths and weaknesses of your financial situation. Analyzing them and keeping them going throughout retirement is essential. One of the key areas where most people have not adequately prepared for is caregiving.

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Nickolas Urpí Nickolas Urpí

The Achilles Heel of Amazon

One man’s junk is another man’s treasure. Thomas Edison’s quote is fascinating to me because one of the most interesting statistics I’ve seen about investing history is that there was a point in the early 2000s when Amazon, the biggest giant in retail today, was down 90%…

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Nickolas Urpí Nickolas Urpí

Bug Bites: Gold, Crypto, and Currency in the times of Inflation

You’ve probably seen those commercials about people who own gold and try to convince you to invest in gold as well. Why is that? And why hold gold? Gold’s uses are limited, other than jewelry and some machinery, and yet it seems to be a commodity that garners a tremendous amount of attention from investors.

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